Birthplace Exposed
President Barack Obama has undergone all kinds of accusations and scrutiny about his place of birth. Right-wingnuts, also known as "birthers" have crowded our courts with lawsuit after lawsuit in an effort to have Obama declared to NOT be a "natural born citizen". They claim he was born in Kenya, never mind that his mother was NEVER in that country and there is ZERO evidence to prove she ever was.
They claim that IF he was born in Hawaii, his father was a British subject, and that according to the Constitution, a President must have been born to two American parents. They desperately cling to a document that according to them has never changed. Really? The Constitution says black people are equal to 3/5 of a human being. This document has evolved over the centuries to accommodate the times. It is now considered that a person born in the United States, no matter the nationality of his parents, is a "natural born citizen" and this has been upheld in the courts over the years.
In an effort to diffuse this foolishness, Obama did what any reasonable person would do, he asked for a copy of his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. That state does what it has done for decades, it provided him with what is called a short-form or "Certificate of Live Birth". The state does not provide the original long-form or vault certificate as a matter of policy, but simply provides a laser copy of the original.
This was a mistake. Phony experts such as some guy using the pseudonym, Dr. Ron Polarik, posted an impressive but mistake-filled analysis of how this birth certificate was falsified. The state of Hawaii responded that they do have Obama's original vault certificate and that this short form copy is a true and accurate representation. This did nothing to dissuade the Orly Taitzs and Philip Bergs of the world to continue their egocentric efforts to raise funds to file even more frivolous lawsuits, and have their 15 minutes of fame.
Well, the truth has been outed. After tireless investigation by the Candid Blogger we can now say with certainty that Obama's birthplace has been found. An admission by the President himself, given at a time of great levity, now rears its ugly head and will surely result in a rush to the courts to file more lawsuits. Here is the President in a moment of self-examination as he admits to his place of birth and also admits to the conspiracy that sent him to America to rule:

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