PHILIP BERG: Finding that a Pennsylvania lawyer had committed a "laundry list of unethical actions," a federal judge has imposed more than $10,000 in sanctions and ordered the lawyer to complete six hours of ethics training.
U.S. District Judge J. Curtis Joyner's 10-page opinion in Holsworth v. Berg is packed with criticism of the conduct of attorney Philip Berg of Lafayette Hill, Pa.
"Other attorneys should look to Mr. Berg's actions as a blueprint for what not to do when attempting to effectively and honorably perform the duties of the legal profession," Joyner wrote.
"This court has grown weary of Mr. Berg's continuous and brazen disrespect toward this court and his own clients. Mr. Berg's actions ... are an enormous waste of judicial time and resources that this court cannot, in good conscience, allow to go unpunished," Joyner wrote.
In the suit, Berg is accused of legal malpractice by former clients who claim his failure to respond to an ERISA claim against them led to a default judgment. But the sanctions against Berg stem from his decision to file a third-party counterclaim of fraud against a pension fund that had sued his former clients, according to court papers. Joyner blasted Berg for filing the fraud claim, calling it an "irresponsible decision" because the claim was "utterly barren of any scintilla of legal principles." FULL STORY.
ANDY MARTIN: This Chicago-based egotist refers to himself in all his posts as an "internet powerhouse" and claims a wealth of political and legal experience in Chicago. He also intends to run for public office. His claim to fame is lawsuits filed in Hawaii challenging Obama's place of birth. In an October 27 article, Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz reported that Fox News Channel "now expresses regret for booking [Andy] Martin" -- who, as Media Matters for America has noted, has, among other things, referred to a judge as a "crooked, slimy Jew" and accused African-Americans of being "willing to corrupt and abuse their public offices" -- on the October 5 edition of Fox News' Hannity's America. As Media Matters documented, Sean Hannity hosted Martin -- identified by Hannity as an "Internet journalist" -- to make what Hannity called "the explosive claim that [Sen. Barack] Obama's role as a community organizer was a political staging ground perpetuated by the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers." Kurtz wrote: "[Fox News Senior Vice President Bill] Shine says Hannity disagrees with some of Martin's past comments. 'Having that guy on was a mistake,' Shine says. 'We obviously didn't do enough research on who the guest was.'Wow! This guy is too controversial for Hannity and FOX News.
LEO DONOFRIO: Donofrio’s challenge had nothing to do with the birth certificate. In fact, he conceded that he believed that Obama was probably born in Hawaii. He challenged on the basis of Obama being a dual citizen with dual allegiance at birth through his father’s conferred British citizenship - Kenya being under colonial rule in 1961. Of course this requirement was made by the first settlers in order to guarantee that the new President would have been born in America of American citizens since everyone's parents came from another country. Over the years the Congress and Supreme Court have accepted the definition to include anyone born in the United States, no matter their parenthood. If we stuck to the original definition according to the Constitution, then blacks would still be considered 3/5 of a human being.
ORLY TAITZ: This lady is a Russian immigrant claiming to be a dentist, real estate agent, and attorney. She is the craziest and most dangerous of all as she apparently has an unlimited source of funds and spreads hatred and misinformation across the Internet. She ignores the facts about Obama's place of birth and on March 28th in the city of Stockbridge Ga. organized a "Grand Jury" that returned an Indictment against Barack Obama!
"A separate WND investigation into Obama's birth certificate utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there".
At no point does the August article express any doubt about whether its "forgery experts" could "report conclusively that the electronic image was authentic or that it was a forgery" as Farah claims; it unambiguously and definitively states that "forgery experts found the document to be authentic."
As for the claim that "At no time did Obama ever make his actual birth certificate available to WND - or any other news organization," here's what the August article also stated:
However, says it obtained Obama's actual birth certificate and that the document was indeed real. The site discredited some of the claims of Internet bloggers, such as that the certificate as viewed in a scanned copy released by Obama's campaign lacked a raised seal. also established that many of the alleged flaws in the document noted by bloggers were caused by the scanning of the document.
Indeed, has stated that it has "seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate," adding, "We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship."
Hopefully, we can put this ridiculous issue behind us. Unfortunately, these attorneys and WorldNutDaily are organized and have huge amounts of funds (from what source nobody knows) and will continue to raise hell as long as there are enough nutcases to support them. We just wanted to point out the conspiracy and its intent which is to disrupt our government from properly functioning and to put more money in their deep and dirty pockets.

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