Dennis Kucinich - an Island in a Sea of Corruption
In America, we choose our leaders from among those who have climbed the political ladder by pleasing those who control the purse strings. By the time an individual has reached the level of having been nominated by his party for public office, he/she has been bought and paid for. The recent healthcare reform fiasco is a perfect example. "Blue Dog" Democrats unabashedly lent their support to the insurance and pharmaceutical industries at the expense of the American people. Do they care? Not a chance.
One man has stood out the past several years as a man of principle and integrity. Small in stature, he does not present the image of a politician, but Dennis Kucinich stands head and shoulders above the rest for integrity. Listen to his recent one-minute speech before Congress. If only Americans had the intelligence and integrity of this man.
For contrast, here is a prime example of the arrogance of those who accept millions of dollars from industries whose corrupt practices they perpetuate with their bought-and-paid-for votes. Witness a drunk Senator Max Baucus addressing Congress on healthcare:
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