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"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860
What is the real intention of this Kenyan, Indonesian communist usurper? Is it to provide security for us or to destroy our security? Judge for yourself.Seeing targeted destruction of our economy, our security, dissipation of American jobs, massive corruption in the Government, Congress Department of Justice and Judiciary, it might be time to start rallies and protests using our second amendment right to bare arms and organise in militias.
"2010 has arrived, and with it comes the acknowledgement that Barack Obama will suffer the same fate as his murdered lover, Chicago Teacher & Church Choir Director Donald Young. The only question is, will it be by the same gun that killed Donald Young? I personally believe it will.Sinclair's claims were debunked by famed polygraph expert and President of the American Polygraph Association for many years, Ed Gelb, who was featured on F. Lee Bailey's hit television show a couple of decades ago. Gelb's findings indicated "extreme deception" as to sex and drugs.
Sadly when this happens the media will portray Obama as a JFK rather than expose him as the fraud that he and his image truly are/were. But the media will only have itself to blame, for it is the media that has failed to report the truth about Barack Obama and his relationship with Donald Young; his use/sale of cocaine in 1999; and the abuse of power/official offices to protect the "Fairy Tale" that is known as Barack & Michelle Obama. Likewise it will be the same media that will refuse to report the gun used to kill Donald Young is the same one that brings the same fate to Barack Obama in 2010."